My first solo flight - Take Off!

Hello dear friends,

Today was a beautiful day, the temperature was in the twenties (meaning 70F). We packed the backpack and went to the baker and left for a tour in the surrounding. We wanted to go via the parasailing station. We were there already yesterday, but today was even better. We stopped where they came down and we also drove up into the mountain from where they jumped. It was fantastic!

People who have known me for some time, know that this is something that I have always wanted to do, so now only 20 minutes ride and I’m there, so I’m definitely going to sign me up!!!

I’m leaving Wednesday for a show in Frankfurt and then with Easter my dear friend Tienne and her husband and 2 children are coming. I’m really looking forward to that. Of course she is bringing some things from The Netherlands we do not have. Then mid April I’m leaving for Vegas “again” and than 2days to Sweden. This is my schedule till the end of April.

Live life to the fullest, cause right now is the moment to enjoy, to share and give someone your best smile.



PS in case you do not have my new phone number, just drop me an email misaan@hotmail.com and I’ll send it to you.



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