My first solo flight - Take Off!

Hello friends,

It is the Monday after Easter. We had a great couple of days. Martine, Hette, Amber & Rens were here (see latest pictures). It was wonderful to see them and talk to them in person again. We did plenty of that in the nice company of red wine till late at night. We showed them the area and our way of life and is great to share that with the people I love. It is 9am and the sun is shining. The children are downstairs and later I will go for a run with Anna (she is so athletic).

Saturday the 17th I’m leaving for NAB in Las Vegas. It will be a busy couple of days, but I wouldn’t have liked it any other way.

I am on msn, so if you want you can add me using misaan@hotmail.com.

Give every day someone your best smile.



PS: In case you do not have my new phone number, just drop me an email misaan@hotmail.com and I’ll send it to you.



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