My first solo flight - Take Off!

Hello dear friends,

Live is wonderful, the most fantastic things are happening to me, but I also think that your eyes need to be open to see it. We have the most beautiful view, the area is fantastic not just in spring and summer but also in the winter. Last night and right now it is snowing, not a lot, but the whole world looks different now. Luckily it is not too cold.
The children are everyday improving their French. They both have now invited their friends to come over and that is a very good thing. Our house is always filled with laughter and music, but now with even more children’s laughter.
Virginia the aupair is Super woman, we have our own little family. When I work late she calls me and leaves a message on my cell phone, telling me that I need to come home now and that the work will be there the next day. I told her she is worse than a wife. She has a good moral and the children adore her and I can very much rely on her.
Work is still going well, extremely busy but that is the way I like it. I will travel quite a bit this year. February to the US, March US and Germany, April US, May Germany, June Singapore, July Malaysia, August China, September Netherlands!!!, October India, November Japan (and this is without the regular customer visits and vacations).
It is good to see that the friendship with my new friends here in France but also abroad is growing and that the friendships that I have with my Dutch friends is still wonderful and I’m very happy with that. I love you all.
Live life to the fullest, cause right now is the moment to enjoy, to share and give someone your best smile.





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