My first solo flight - Take Off!

Hello dear friends,

I知 back from Vegas (on Friday evening) and now I知 leaving for Sweden, actually I知 waiting for the taxi to come and pick me up right now. I know bad planning, but unfortunately this sometimes happens.

Las Vegas was good for business, but also a lot of fun. It is always great to see my international friends again and catch up. Believe it or not, but we ended one day after the tradeshow doing the review in the Jacuzzi drinking beer (and I'm not a beer drinker as you know, I'm more into the wines). James was smoking a cigar and has now got me addicted ;-). Can you imagine, me with beer in one hand and a cigar in the other all while sitting in the Jacuzzi reviewing the business.

It is wonderful to be back home, of course the girls were very happy to see me again as I was happy to see them and cash in some hugs and kisses.

My father is fixing with some help my old house in Elst. They already broke down one barn and it seems likely that I might be able to rent the place. This would definitely safe me on costs. In the mean time I知 trying to get the permission to build the new house. My father is very busy with this and I appreciate it VERY much.

We are all still very happy here. The children are having the time of their life here. The trampoline is a huge success!!!!!

Give every day someone your best smile.



PS: In case you do not have my new phone number, just drop me an email misaan@hotmail.com and I値l send it to you.



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