My first solo flight - Take Off!

Dear friends,

It is Thursday evening May 20th. We have had a couple of great days. The sun is shining every day. On the 26th my parents will come to visit and my next trip is planned for June 12th to Singapore for Broadcast Asia.

I find it surprising that I thought I knew people and that they end up disappointing me, does this change me, does this make me treat friendships differently, probably not. Does it hurt? Yes, very much so!

Life is still treating me well. I am meeting all sorts of people from all walks of life, of course through work, travelling, but also in France. Everything goes well with all of us, we’re happy, healthy, we have a lot of fun, spring started and it is amazingly beautiful here. The view is incredible, I will see If I can post some pictures.

Today I decided to do nothing, just enjoy the sun, sit on the terrace, read a book, etc… It basically was also too warm, but every now and than one should do nothing and reload. (Would be slightly better if I could share it with a significant other. Peter bought me a rose during dinner in Berlin, I'm till waiting for the guy who will say; I will take them all.)

Saturday I will drive up and down to Cannes. Robbie Williams is using our EtherSound & Innovason equipment so I need to go, right?! I will decide on Saturday if I will.

Give everyday someone your best smile!

Lots of Love




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