My first solo flight - Take Off!

Dear friends,

Again I did something spontaneous. Last Friday morning I did not know that I would be at a 13:50 flight to Copenhagen via Amsterdam.

I went to see a friend of mine and believe me, although it was discussed before, the fact that I called to say “Hi I’m coming and when you want to see me you can come to the airport or otherwise I will have a good time in Copenhagen and meet up with Bo and his family” still came as a surprise to him. (hopefully a good one) Saying something is one thing, but actually doing it is something “different”.

Friday evening was nice, we had a nice home made dinner, actually a very nice lasagne!!!, I will ask for the recipe and put it on the site. On Saturday we had breakfast on the terrace and during the day he took me to see the surrounding, it was beautiful, stunningly green just as here in the Grenoble region, the main difference was the sea view instead of mountains, but it was incredible. Even the air smelled different, nice and fresh. So the weather was good, the environment was beautiful and the company was even better. And on top of that all we had again lasagne.

Sunday was a quiet day, we had breakfast, both did our own thing, reading the news paper, packing stuff, listening to music, laundry, ironing, and that was a good feeling, being confident with someone and not feel the immediate necessity to entertain each other.

It was a good weekend and we have gotten to know each other much better. I thank you for you friendship and your hospitality. You really are “something” and instead of calling me “crazy”, I am “different”. Guess what our friendship is “something different”!

Give everyday someone your best smile!

Lots of Love


A lesson for all of you; be careful for what you wish for, it might come true.



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