My first solo flight - Take Off!

Dear friends,

It is Tuesday evening. Since recent I decided to go running in the evening and take the girls. Combination of spending quality time with them and exercise. Good for all of us. Besides living in France and the travelling has a lot of positive consequences, but also one negative and I need to keep that under control ;-)

Tonight it was first dripping and I sent the girls back at the end of our street and I thought well, I will just do a short run. 3 minutes later it was pouring. Every time when I thought it could not get worse it did. There was a lot of thunder and lightning, I was wet till the bone, but smiling feeling good and very much alive!!!

On my return my Italian (older) neighbours were waiting on their porch for me, to see if I came home safely, when they saw me coming around the corner they applauded and supported me, that was super and I felt indeed like a winner.

I seriously love life and all of the people around me, old and new friends!

Lots of love





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