My first solo flight - Take Off!

Hello dear all,

Unbelievable I have done so much and seen so many people during my stay here, I can hardly call it vacation. Yes my mind rested, but I only slept a few hours per night in order to have the max of good quality. Went to bed twice past 7 in the morning and both times the phone woke me up.

Saturday, dropped off Virginia and the girls, saw my parents, went to my brother, drank Champaign, he left my friend arrived, we drank the rest of the bottle (you must put fresh strawberries in it, that is absolutely great) and drank a second bottle. We stayed up till past 7am.
Sunday, had a brunch with Feisal, went to the Zeedijk to the hartjesdag, great time, dancing singing and went to see a movie afterwards
Monday I worked and had dinner with Donate, later that evening old and new friends came and we had a great great time. Went to bed again around 7am.
Tuesday I did some shopping, had a very late lunch with a friend, luckily I could do it, since an other one cancelled. That evening I stayed with a friend, again not so much sleep, got up at 6,20am
Wednesday took the car to the garage, went to my parents saw my girls, bought a new digital camera in Arnhem (thanks for your help Feisal). Back to my parents, had dinner and Martine came to pick me up at 21, had a nice evening with her and Hette talking about the things that are going on in our lives and how you can be mistaken, but luckily have a good laugh about it.
Thursday, went to my parents, took the girls to visit grandma Gerrie, went to the market, lunch, Mike a friend of mine took me to Sonsbeek in Arnhem, saw Imke whom came to Elst and had a drink with her, dinner at my parents, now waiting for the guest to arrive for my fathers birthday, and who knows what else might happen. I am again sleeping at Martine and at 10am Virginia is coming, will go to my old house to pick up some stuff and than just the 2 of us are driving to France, the girls will come on Saturday with Marco and Helma, but than I will be in a plain on my way to Beijing.

Lots of love and kisses to all of you




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