My first solo flight - Take Off!

Dear all,

It is Friday morning and we have a wonderful week behind us. Sunday evening late Imke, Rob and the kids arrived. At 00.30am Imke and I were jumping on the trampoline like teenagers (so much fun). It was great to have them here, no idea I actually missed it so much to have close friends here, to talk, laugh and hugg (specially caught up on the laughing and hugging part). It was a lively week with many people in the house. They left Wednesday evening after dinner.

That same evening at 23.00 I spoke with Fred and Christine whom were spending their vacation in the region. They came to visit us yesterday evening (Thursday). The plan was to have a BBQ, but we decided to go to Buffalo Grill (which the 4 children loved a lot).

Talking about change of plans, Paul is unfortunately not coming. Sarah and Anna were disappointed since they could not make us breakfast in bed. When I said you can still make me breakfast the reaction was “nuh” (read mom you are not interesting enough). So no breakfast in bed for me. Marius whom was planning to come the weekend after also cancelled and wants to come in September (although I will be in the Netherlands than). I am considering to maybe go to the Netherlands the week of the 17th, cause my car needs to get his annual check (need to do it there, since I still drive with a Dutch plate and I do not want to buy hasty a new car).

This week also had some challenges. There were wholes in the swimming pool. So I cleaned the pool, fixed the wholes, filled it up again, life in the office is still hectic and right now it is raining, but as they say “after rain comes sunshine”.

Lots of love,




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