My first solo flight - Take Off!

Hello my friends,

It is about time for a new update.

Finally it is becoming colder here as well, which is a kind of nice. From where I am sitting right now I can see the snow on the mountains. Everyday I admire the view, it is different every time.

NEWS FLASH for my Dutch friends. I will be in the Netherlands as off December the 18th, don’t know for how long, since I will book a trip from Amsterdam to India, San Francisco or ……… Of course I will make time to see you, just let me know if you are around.

I have a new cell phone number where you can reach me on, just drop me an email at mina@misaan.nl and I will give it to you.

Virginia left and is back in the Netherlands. Sylvie who was supposed to replace her cancelled last Tuesday so I am again looking for a new girl au pair, but I’m confident I will find somebody.

It is very nice to spend time with the girls, just the three of us. I am so lucky to have them as my children, they are so positive and good of heart. There is just such a good harmony between us.

Take care & be safe!




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