My first solo flight - Take Off!

Hello my friends,

Yes it is done. Yesterday afternoon we decorated the Christmas tree. It is full with crystal, angel hair, angels, butterflies, feathers and so on. I will take a picture and put it online. I love it. It was quite strange though, the sun was shining, 19 degrees outside and I had the doors and windows open.

Tonight I will celebrate Sinterklaas with Sarah and Anna, (it is a Dutch thing) although they told me that Sinterklaas was not appropriate in France and that we should better do the presents with Christmas.

I will arrive in the Netherlands on the 19th (still looking for a place to stay the first week). It will be great to see my friends again. There is a slight chance though that I will go to Cuba, I will know more about that later this week.

Naturally my birthday is coming up and I am celebrating it on the 11th and it is great to see that, like last year, people from all over are coming to celebrate it with me. This afternoon I will go shopping to find this stunning outfit to wear to the party.

Take care & be safe




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