My first solo flight - Take Off!

Hello my friends,

Thanks to the people who brought to my attention that I should update my site more often. Boy a lot has happened the past few weeks. Actually I would not know where to start, but I can give some conclusions.

I went to Barcelona for AES saw Ray (thank you for letting me stay) and Leo there, went to Infocomm in Las Vegas to work at the tradeshow, which was good fun, long live apple Martini’s. Went to Nice for one day to have dinner and now back home. Ted (alias HS) & Richard came to visit and we all went to fète de la musique. Music was everywhere, real great fun. Soraya and I ended up going in the carousel with the girls. I felt like I was 12 again, we had a lot of fun!!!

As you know I am the kind of person who likes surprises, not only to be surprised, but also to surprise others. I learned that one can go through great length to do something for somebody, to surprise them, to make them happy, to be their friend, to listen, to wipe away a tear or just to hold their hands. Quite often that is being appreciated, but sometimes friendship is not been taken seriously and by that people end up hurting or disappointing the other. I will not stop being a friend, these are lessons to value real friends. Martine, Feisal, Soraya, Peter, Marius, Ray, Leo my parents and others, I love you and I’m happy to be your friend and thank you for being mine. Luckily there are also some really nice and unexpected surprises, that suddenly bring a smile to my face!! Thanks N.

Last weekend there was a party in Montbonnot, “Fête du Village Parc du château” There were many activities for children. I did help at one of the stands where kids could throw balls at cans, guess the part about the cans was not clear to everybody and I’m happy to still be alive and well. This is the last week in school for the girls. At the end of the week I want to go to Saint Raphael at the côte d’azur. It is really hot, I sit outside on my terrace every evening and during the day I’m hiding inside, today it was 38 degrees.

We will be coming to The Netherlands in July, will be great to see my family, friends and new friends.

Take care & be safe!

Lots of love.

Mina Miranda (as Ray calls me)



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