My first solo flight - Take Off!

Hello my friends,

I left on Sunday the 17th for Las Vegas and it was snowing ! Incredible, we’ve had already numerous bbq parties outside and now suddenly it was snowing again. I took the train to Paris and flew via Philly to Las Vegas. The same morning Soraya took Sarah and Anna to the Lyon airport for their visit to the Netherlands. I had a great time in Las Vegas, the NAB show was interesting, good for business and it was good to see my old friends again (Cyndi, Richard, Peter, Daan, and so on) and I made new friends like Mark. I went out with a group of people and tried to remember their names, but I was missing a Mark, Helen than volunteered to be my Mark if I would be hers. So Mark & Mark and some other great people like Simon & John had a great time going out in Vegas. Long live apple martini’s.

On Friday I left for San Diego in my PT Cruiser to spend time with my friend Nickie and her family. I’m very grateful that they invited me to stay at their place. Don & Nickie have 2 children Trevor 13 and Christina 11 (special thanks to Christina for letting me sleep in her room). And Grand dad and Grand mom were staying there too. Of course I should not forget Buddy their dog. I had a lovely time there and it was really good to spend time with Nickie again. On Saturday Lars invited me to come over for a bbq. I met his mom and some of his friends. And we went for lunch on Monday, my last day in San Diego. It was great to see him again!

Spend the last (very short) night in Las Vegas and than it took me 26 hours to get home (door to door), luckily I was flying business class (thanks Richard!!!).

Thursday I picked up the girls from Lyon, and we’re really happy to be together again! The weather here is great (28°C / 82°F) and I spend most of yesterday in my garden (yes I do work out!!!).

The girls only need to go to school on Monday and Tuesday so the rest of next week we will spend it at the Cote d’Azur!

Lots of love




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