My first solo flight - Take Off!

Hello everybody,

Finally the girls and I are back home and things are back to normal. Yesterday school started again and both my girls were thrilled. They really enjoy going to school. It is still very much summer here, with temperatures every day around the 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees F).

It is really good to be back home, to do my own thing, to enjoy the scenery, the food, and specially the feeling.

I must say that I had an excellent time in the Netherlands, although as usual the weather was very “Dutch”. My house in the Netherlands is getting really beautiful, my father is working his xxx xxx, but the result is phenomenal. My life has really been turned upside-down, when I was there, which does not mean that it was a bad thing.

It is Saturday early morning. I now need to go and wake the girls. It is time for school. This weekend we are going to do a lot of fun stuff and I’m looking forward to it!

Lots of love to all of you.


PS: Thank you Hans for reminding me to update the site, as you can see I did it immediately.

PPS: Will be back in the Netherlands next weekend for IBC (tradeshow).



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