My first solo flight - Take Off!

Hello my dear friends,

I know, I know. It has been to long since I’ve updated my website. It is winter in France. My parents came to visit for more than a week. It was nice to have them here with us again after 1,6 year. My brother and Albert stayed here a couple of days too during the same period.

Last Tuesday was my birthday, friends came for drinks, called, wrote me emails or sms’s. That really give me my birthday feelings. Thanks!!!!

Soon it will be Christmas again, the girls will go to The Netherlands and I will go to Hong Kong for a short break. Finally the vacation is coming that I’ve been looking forward too since the summer.

Yesterday I received the present from Martine by mail (the usual thing, but again a very original design). This year really started out well for me, I'm hoping it will stay that way. I feel that this year is going to be a year of change for me. Something big will happen.

Give every day somebody your best smile, it just might make a difference.

Take care & be safe




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