My first solo flight - Take Off!

I wrote a small piece on my visit to the Sea this weekend in my guestbook.

Dear friends,

Yes we did loose the football match, but we came further than most others. From now on I am going to support Portugal.

Life in the office has been extremely hectic!!!!!, but I will manage. The girls and Virginia are now in The Netherlands hopefully having a good time. They will come back on July 18th. Talking about travelling I will go to Kuala Lumpur leaving on the afternoon of the 12th returning on the 18th. I was planning to spend one week in KL for vacation but in the end decided against it. Besides the weather here is great and I am now planning to spend some time in France (could be in my little paradise) or Italy, don’t know when yet, probably end up near the sea. So anybody with some good ideas?

My trip to Singapore was wonderful, it was good for business and I met again very nice people from all around the world. You see friendship doesn’t know any boarders. Than my visit to the Netherlands was good, got to see my family and some of my friends, had a nice wedding party of Benjamin & Talien. 2 people whom are destined to be together, wonderful to see.

My life right now is very "intensive" (to say the least) and costing me a lot of energy. You ask me quite often "where do you get your energy from", but right now I could use some extra, so anybody who has some left over, please go right ahead.

Life is still beautiful in my eyes, so don’t worry.

Give everyday someone your best smile, it just might make a difference.

Lots of Love to all of you & Be safe




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