My first solo flight - Take Off!

Dear all,

Saturday July the 10th I decided to go and buy a cd, I was trying to make up my mind, while driving, to go either to downtown Grenoble or Grand Place, I decided to go to Annecy. I was tired, I worked the whole week from 8 till often around midnight. Luckily it is not like that all the time, but there were quite some communications/marketing issues going on, sales team members were on vacation and I had to take over their accounts and on top of that some other “challenges”. Well as long as I don’t run up on the mountain but take it step by step I am sure it all will work.

The weather was wonderful, I walked through the old city, did some shopping (no cd by the way), looked at bands playing and decided it was time to have dinner. Peter W. first send me a txt message wondering how I was, and when I did not respond fast enough he thought it would be best to call. At that time I just ordered my dinner and told Peter so, of course he wanted to know with whom I was there. Nobody was my reply, than he started a whole speech that I should not be alone bla bla bla, that I should meet people, that he knows I am busy and dedicated to the girls and work, and that he had the solution.

Peter told me to sign up on this dating site, I resisted saying, Peter that is something for losers, I want somebody intelligent, dynamic, adventurous, full of live and so on. He said; well most of them are losers, but the needle in the haystack sure is in there, that is how I found my girl (and Peter you are a needle yourself, intelligent, successful and a true friend!).

A great band was playing and a large crowd was looking, the band sat down on the street and the audience sat down as well (so was I) I danced, sang, laughed, had a good time. In the end I was home around 1am and decided to check out the site Peter suggested, which had no chance of success, cause it turned out to be a site, for Dutch people only and since I live in France….
Still I filled in a profile at 2am and went to bed, the next morning I had some reactions one of them was from Paul (whom turns out, has France & French in his blood and we spoke hours on the phone). Monday morning I put myself offline, after an adventure of less than 34 hours.

Now I am on the plane to KL in Malaysia for a tradeshow. Slept for about 4 hours and should sleep some more, knowing that this week will be quite intensive to say the least (but I just might have found a source of energy).

Life is beautiful

Give every day somebody your best smile, it just might make a difference.

Lots of love,




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