My first solo flight - Take Off!

Dear all,

Only a few more weeks and than our life in France has come to an end. I've sorted out most stuff and everything I could pack is in boxes in the garage. It is a strange feeling, although I always very much appreciated living here, it seems to me that now I'm even more. Tomorrow Albert is coming and we will spend our last weekend here with only the 4 of us. The weekend after that is our farewell party and than I can pack the rest of the stuff.

I'm happy that we are moving in the summer, it the nicest season in The Netherlands. Of course a lot needs to be done there too, before we are completely settled in, but it will be ok.

Naturally I will miss many beautiful things here in France, but I can always go back to visit, knowing that once I called this my home. It has been a wonderful experience for all of us.

Now I am a kind of ready to move on, I’m ready to continue the route. One day we will move again to discover an other beautiful and exciting place on the planet.

Life is beautiful

Lots of love


Choose the way of life. Choose the way of love. Choose the way of
caring. Choose the way of goodness. It's up to you. It's your choice.

Leo Buscaglia
(1924-1998, American author)



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