My first solo flight - Take Off!

Dear all,

Wow a lot has happened. Starting with my trip to China, which was incredible. Believe me, climbing the GREAT WALL is absolutely a must have. Seeing the wall on a picture you feel, wow must be impressive, but when you see it in real life, there are just no words to describe it. Definitely one of the most beautiful experiences ever!

August 29th, Henri came to pick me up from the airport (I must say a bit crazy driving all the way from The Netherlands to pick me up and take me home, but I like crazy & spontaneous people).

Unfortunately, a few days after my return, I got sick. Due to continuous lack of sleep combined with hard working and quality time at home with the girls my resistance was very low and I had to stay home for a couple of days. I learned that admitting to do nothing is not easy for me.

The weekend of September 4th Feisal and his daughter Rim were here, the girls loved having another “dutch” girl over. Turns out parents are very good in building tents, jumping on the trampoline & playing in the park.

Early morning of the 10th (4.30am) the taxi came to take me to the airport.. Had to go first to the 2 IBC in Amsterdam, immediately followed by Plaza in London. Returned late evening of the 16th. Well the shows are over and I am now back in the office.

The girls are back in school and are seriously enjoying that. Anna asked me this weekend, how come that the schools in France are so much fun? This is proof that they really enjoy it.

Yesterday I went to visit friends of mine whom live more in the country side (close to lac Paladru) , the weather was great, we had lunch outside, the 2 girls played with the 3 boys and we adults had a lot of fun!!! It was a great weekend.

The coming period will still be equally busy. The 21st Jan the boyfriend of Virginia is arriving, the 22nd her parents, the 24th Feisal and the 26th Marius my brother (we will do a course Parapente together).

Anna’s birthday is coming up on October 4th and on the 5th I am leaving for the NAB radioshow in San Diego, flying back on the 8th. I know ridiculous. I will spend more time in airports and airplanes than that I am actually there!! Does not make me happy. Than the the weekend of October 15th I will be in London, having a short break and on the 27Th I al leaving for Broadcast India in Mumbai. My last trip this year (as far as I know) will be in November to Japan and than ….

Read between the lines, life is great, everything is going well and I’m very fortunate to have extremely good friends that support me.

Love you





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